During February-March 2024, COERR organized the Training of Trainers (ToT) courses on Disaster Preparedness in 3 temporary shelters including Mae La, Umpiem and Nupo, with a total number of 171 Emergency Response Team (ER/EP Team) and the teams of Youth Leaders participating in the trainings. The objective of the training was to build a pool of competent trainers who could transfer the knowledge to the camp residents. The topics included types of disaster, disaster preparedness and response plan and procedure (before, during and after disaster), fire prevention and extinguishment, community-based data management and risk assessment, community risk map, safe areas and evacuation routes, first aid with lifting and moving techniques, role and responsibility of emergency response team (ER/EP), fire extinguisher demonstration and practice, safe use of fire-fighting equipment, risk prevention from gasoline and oil hazard, safety tips such as what to do if clothes got on fire, how to save oneself when fire occurred .etc.
A total number of 514 emergency response team members and youth leaders participated in the disaster preparedness training courses in 3 temporary shelters. Once the ER/EP team had finished the trainings of trainers (ToT) Course, the team together with youth leaders organized awareness-raising campaign on disaster preparedness by communicating information through community radio stations, placing posters in public areas and distributing leaflets about several hazards that might happen in the community. Moreover, the disaster risk reduction (DRR) activities were conducted in 9 temporary shelters, in which a total number of 4,426 persons participated in these activities. The activities comprised of tree planting, fire breaks making, check dam building, embankment making, etc.
